Anti-LGBTQ+ Legislation

The beauty of people is that we are each delightfully unique; it makes life surprising and diverse. It also means that we each need different, unique, diverse—and sometimes even surprising—tools to show up in life and at work as are full, true, best selves.

Every individual deserves to exist in the world as their most authentic self. And we are better when they do.

The anti-LGBTQ+ legislation being proposed across our nation are wrong on every level. These bills are fueled by fear, hate and bigotry. These bills will lead to violence. They will lead to suicide. They will lead to murder.

Don’t believe me?

  • LGBT youth are twice as likely as their peers to say they have been physically assaulted, kicked or shoved.
    (Human Rights Campaign)
  • 42% of LGBTQ youth seriously considered attempting suicide in the past year, including more than half of transgender and nonbinary youth.
    (The Trevor Project)
  • 2021 had the most murders of transgender people – most of them Black or Latinx – on record.
    (Human Rights Campaign)

I’d like to elevate the words of Matt Bernstein (a self-proclaimed “queer jew with very long nails”).

Matt says: LGBTQ inclusive education looks like:

Some kids have a mom and a dad. Some have two moms, some have two dads. All families look a little different, and that’s okay!”


Some people feel like boys, some feel like girls, and some don’t feel like either. Humans come in all shapes, colors and sizes – what matters is that we treat each other with respect.

VISIONALITY is committed to LGBTQ+ inclusion and equity within our workplace and communities. Beyond that, VISIONALITY believes that every person deserves to let their light shine bright in the world, without fear and discrimination.

VISIONALITY has joined more than 1,200 small businesses who have signed on to America Competes’ Small Businesses Against LGBTQ Discrimination coalition. We hope you will too.

If reading this felt uncomfortable, the first step to becoming an ally to is to learn more. We recommend:

Human Rights Campaign – Guides to Allyship

My Workplace Health – LGBTQ+ Terminology – Educate yourself first

The Trevor Project – A Guide to Being an Ally to Transgender and Nonbinary Youth