Commit to Fight Against Antisemitism and Hate
VISIONALITY is committed to supporting and lifting the voices of people locally, nationally, and globally. We work to educate ourselves and be advocates for all. We try to speak out when we see those in our community and around the world dealing with injustices and recently, the Jewish community has been under attack. Vlad Khaykin, director of the Anti-Defamation League’s programs on antisemitism, says hostility against Jewish people tends to gain ground during times of uncertainty: be that economic depression, war or pandemic. If there is anxiety, some people will turn to antisemitism for “an answer for why things are going wrong in the world.”
The Jewish population makes up just over 2 percent of the United States. But antisemitism affects everyone, and everyone should be concerned.
Educate yourself, be an advocate, and stop the spread of antisemitism
VISIONALITY has a goal to listen when needed – we recognize where we are NOT the best or most appropriate subject matter experts, and we will sit and give space to and amplify those who are. With that goal of supporting, we want to provide resources and guidance to help our clients and friends be advocates for our Jewish brothers and sisters, neighbors, friends, loved ones, and themselves.
- The ADL has many educational online programs and resources available. They range from anti-bias training to antisemitism education.
- Advocate for others’ education and protection. Approach schools and centers of learning about adding programs and curriculum on the Holocaust and antisemitism. Echoes & Reflections is an online program that focuses on Holocaust education in the classroom.
- The US Holocaust Memorial Museum is another resource where one can learn not only about the Holocaust but find educational information on antisemitism and its impact today.
- Stop the spread. This means not just speaking out against hate speech you hear, but reporting what you see on social media. Germany has strict laws against hate speech and Holocaust denials, but in the US, such speech is harder to regulate. Private companies like Facebook, however, have rules against it. You just need to report it when you see it – every time you see it.
- Be involved and aware of what is happening in your community. The ADL has 25 regional offices around the country and work closely with law enforcement agencies. As interest in communities grows about what is being done to combat hate, these type events are more likely to happen in the future.
- If you or a loved one experience antisemitism, Report it immediately. The ADL has an online form where you can report any incidents of “antisemitism, extremism, bias, bigotry or hate.” (Note, this is not just for people who experienced anti-Jewish hostility. This is for anyone targeted for their “religion, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin or level of ability.”) Reportable activity could be anything from seeing a hate symbol on the street to kids getting bullied at school or online. Here you can upload video and photos of the incident and someone will contact you. The ADL keeps track of all reported antisemitic and hate crime incidents.
The only way to stop the cycle of ignorance and hate is through knowledge and love.