Giddy Up: End of Year Campaign Round Up!
We discussed THREE Year End campaigns that we worked on with clients in 2021
Video Transcript: Giddy Up: End of Year Campaign Round Up!
0:04 All right welcome everybody to today's Building Forward my name is Emily Barany and i'm the
0:10 owner and founder of Visionality and this is my colleague Kristiana Almeida who is our senior project manager of fundraising today i am so excited we are gonna recap
0:21 three of our end of year campaigns ... that we just wrapped up they were wildly successful
0:28 if i may toot my colleagues horn and the horn of our of our clients and so we wanted to just
0:36 run through these three campaigns we want to talk about what worked what didn't work what we're
0:42 going to suggest they do differently next time and then ... at the end cover any surprises things
0:48 that were unexpected for us and then i think really importantly for our conversation coming
0:54 into this new year is talking about what was the pre-work that contributed to the success right
1:00 so the end of year campaign happens obviously at the end of the year but it doesn't just magically
1:05 poof pull in all this money right it took nine months of prep and foundation building
1:11 to really get us there so we're gonna talk recap the successes ... go through these three campaigns
1:17 and the components that made them successful but then also really focus in on what's the work we
1:22 all need to be doing ... in the next nine months to set ourselves up for success at this end of
1:28 your campaign so you all know the deal Building Forward 25 minutes pretty spicy there might be
1:34 some bad words and certainly some dog parking setting our timer for 25 minutes three two one go
1:43 Kristiana Emily i'm sorry by the way happy new year happy new year happy birthday to you happy birthday to
1:52 me we're wonderful and we're almost out of retrograde so hooray crazy anyways
2:02 so the first campaign we're going to talk about is for CAVC, Community Action Ventura County so talk me through what we did for them maybe what the campaign looked like what the core
Campaign Tools
2:13 components are take it away thank you i'm gonna do a little bit of screening sharing we don't often
2:18 do presentations because looking at powerpoint slides tends to be super boring and i agree it is super boring but i want to walk you through a couple things that we got going on here so first
2:28 things first i did want to talk about all of the tools that we use and double checking that y'all
2:33 can see this really beautiful powerpoint that i literally put together five minutes ago so go me
2:41 so we when looking at what what your campaign is you need to look at all of the tools in your
2:48 toolbox because then you're going to figure out what tools you're going to pull out of your toolbox for any campaign it could be your end-of-year campaign it could be
2:56 a middle-of-the-year campaign etc i put stewardship in as a tool because stewardship
3:03 actually is a fundraising tool it is not just what happens at the end of a gift to be thanked but it
3:09 also is when done properly stewardship is going to help you actually ask for the next gift ... so
3:15 when looking at what we wanted to do for each of our clients we looked within our toolbox and we'll
3:22 kind of walk through the first client here which is going to be community action of Ventura County we really adore them they ... they do a lot of work ... with our homeless and low-income communities
3:34 um as it pertains to making sure that they're able to put food on their table that their utility bills aren't ... you know through the roof through ... subsidies as well as home energy ... work as
3:44 well and so we did a ... this is this is basically the first time they've done a formal interviewer
3:51 campaign as well so that's another thing that i want to say like last year we implemented their donor database ... so they actually had nobody in their donor database so we were starting to
4:01 build that out ... and the big goal for this campaign was really to get them thinking
4:07 about how to do a campaign from like start to finish and so we had a couple components to this
4:13 um we did email social ... and print so for the print campaign ... which was in the middle here
4:21 you'll see that we did we actually did cards so like greeting cards almost and so we did three
4:27 different greeting cards that got mailed to the same people through over a six-week time period ...
4:34 we also had three the three emails ... that went out as well matched three themes that we had
4:40 developed so we had developed basically lifting communities out of poverty easing the burden of
4:46 food and then also making sure that homes are prepared so it was this three-prong campaign
4:52 we had three emails that went out every two weeks ... one each email supported one aspect of that
4:59 campaign and then we had social posts for each of those three prongs as well so for instance when we
5:04 talked about preparing homes for all seasons that was the only message that was going out for two weeks so it was the card that was mailed it was the email that went out it was the social
5:15 media that was posted ... so we like six week campaigns ... because we like starting things
5:22 mid-november because everybody seems to start their end of year campaign on giving tuesday which i hate giving tuesday we've all heard that before ... but we like to kind of get ahead of
5:32 that game as well so we start mid-november for the vast majority of our campaigns also because it allows us to have multiple themes or sub themes within a larger theme so i just want to
Campaign Recap
5:43 pause real quick so to recap what you said there were three overarching themes that we had already
5:48 developed throughout the year and then a different we do a six week campaign and every two weeks we drop cross channel with each of the themes so not three themes at the
6:00 same time but theme one for two weeks across all the channels which was mail social and email and
6:10 then next two weeks second theme third two weeks third theme you got it girl thanks
6:16 you're welcome two other tools that we ... used for community action of Ventura County is ... amazon
6:23 wish lists because they work with ... our homeless and low-income communities in-kind donations
6:29 are really important to them but a lot of their in-kind donations actually need to be sterilized
6:35 and unopened packages in order for them to use you know especially like socks underwear etc those are all really important aspects of serving our homeless community
6:43 but getting those items fresh clean unused is even more important so they had an amazon wishlist that
6:52 we actually launched ... on cyber monday and so so again jumping ahead of giving tuesday so they also
6:59 had an additional email that went out on cyber monday that was very cyber monday like themes it
7:05 covered like hey like while you're shopping for yourself like go ahead and add some items to your cart that will go directly to them the thing i like about amazon ... wish lists for non-profits
7:15 is that anybody can buy the items and they'll get shipped directly to the organization and so it's really it's a really nice way that if you have like a heavy in-kind component to your work
7:25 that you can actually get that in-kind component taken care of ... without needing to go collect
7:31 things in the community and then the last item was this tool that we're using now called thank view
7:37 so instead of thank you thank you thank you has been a really great piece of video software where
7:44 we can customize it's a short little video snippet of you know their executive director susie she's
7:50 in her office you know wearing a CAVC shirt and she's basically talking through like why giving
7:56 is so important like what people are supporting like all the accomplishments that they had in the past year as well and it was a 45 second video ... that we sent out the final week of the campaign
8:07 so that december 30 30th week so this campaign ... raised a couple thousand dollars it wasn't
8:14 large but again like we're just building their donor database from scratch and so it was really more about the process and getting them used to the process of doing an end-of-year campaign than
8:24 it was the the dollars raised so that'll start to come as they continue to grow their database well
8:29 i think that's such an important like grounding point of like yes of course we want to raise money
Starting From Different Points
8:37 but there are so like we are all starting from different points and so if the starting point was
8:44 literally like putting the first person into the donor database that's gonna yield like
8:50 very different results than a very established organization who already has these processes in
8:57 place so i think it's important it's not fair just to compare dollars to dollars because we're all starting at different places no i think that's an absolutely important way to look at that okay i'm
9:08 just checking to see where we are okay seven and a half minutes is there quickly is there anything that you think we should have done differently or will do differently next time on this campaign
9:19 um i liked the cards i think that they may have been too much for a first year campaign ... but i
9:28 liked the messaging because we had messaging inside each card that was different as well to like match that theme ... so i think that we possibly could have done like one overarching card
9:37 instead of the three cards that would have reduced cost ... and some effort ... in just in terms of
9:44 um the return on investment again like it's a small it's an organization that's just starting so it perhaps like we just went a little overboard on on that style of messaging well and i want to
9:54 underscore too that all of the messaging was mission forward right so like again again
10:01 again yes, I... I love a card and it needs to be on mission on message like within the theme of the
10:07 campaign yes awesome anything else before we move to the next campaign no that's good on that one
10:15 all right cir ... the next one we're going to cover is channel islands restoration
Channel Islands Restoration
10:22 okay so channel islands restoration is one of our newer clients let me pull them up here so they had just started with us in october and so this was a little bit of like a sprint finish
10:33 to get ... their end-of-year campaign done and this was literally the first thing we worked on ... when we bring clients on for fundraising and communications we actually like to do like a
10:43 two to four month assessment of the development and communications program ... before launching
10:48 into work just so we get an idea of like what are the strengths where the opportunities what are the capabilities what does staffing look like ... but we had to just kind of dive in head first
10:57 on this which was totally fine ... the tools that we ended up using for this thankfully we got in
11:02 early enough that we were able to ... mention the end-of-year campaign coming as part of their fall
11:12 newsletter so an existing piece that was going out to thousands of individuals to let them know
11:17 that this was coming their theme was simply the work continues the reason for that is because
11:24 um channel islands restoration was working very closely hand in hand with the save the san marcos
11:29 hills campaign this year ... and so the channel islands restoration ... organization is now tasked
11:37 with the restoration of the west mesa so now that the land has been purchased the land needs to be
11:42 properly restored and the habitats need to be you know fixed updated and a lot of the damage just
11:47 needs to be undone and ... that's why we went with the work continues because even though
11:52 they had participated and had helped raise the immense like 18.6 million dollars as part of the
11:58 foothills forever campaign like their work did not end when that campaign ended their work was continuing and so that was what we were we tied that entire theme through all of their components
12:09 um and so we did a card as well so for the card we had our graphic designer do their card
12:17 um we also did a couple of emails and a thank you again from their executive director ken
12:24 i love to use ... these thank you videos or even just the examples because i feel like
12:29 nonprofits feel like that they need to be so incredibly polished in order to do video work
12:35 when in fact like you you don't like if anything like being a little more gen being genuine like
12:41 comes across as a very authentic voice instead of like a very polished voice and then with
12:47 think view you're actually able to individualize videos that go out to people so for instance like
12:53 we went through ken's major donor list ... of people that were assigned to him to solicit and
12:59 for thank views like he was able to say hey susie it's been really nice to get to know you this past
13:04 year we've loved having you along for you know some of our trips out to the santa rosa islands as you know we're in the middle of our end of year campaign yada yada yada and so we were able to use
13:13 thank view as either a broad messaging tool which is what we did for ... CAVC but then we were also
13:21 able to kind of take that tool and individualize it a little bit more which is what ken did i think
13:26 he ended up doing like 20 something videos like you know because this was really important to him
13:33 and you know he's just a trail guy like so like he's in his office like he's got his like plaid shirt on like you know he brushed his hair but it's like at the end of the day like he wasn't
13:42 he didn't feel this need to be super highly polished as an executive director and i think that that really resonated with a lot of their their and that's not their organization they're ...
13:53 you know and so again like underscoring all of these pieces need to fit in with your mission
13:58 vision values and like the real identity and brand identity of your organization like it would feel
14:04 weird if he was in a suit or like with a like formal office that would be weird yeah no
14:11 their donors are like like dirt on your boots kind of donors like they're the people that like love to show that they love to do events together they love to hike together they love
14:20 to be outside together but these are not people you're gonna find like attending a gala for
14:25 you know channel islands anytime soon well and it's so interesting cristiano because we we get this really cool perspective because we get to work across so many organizations
14:35 and they all have the thing they think they should be like oh we would raise more money if
Be Free
14:40 we did this or if we were like that organization or if we had this mission and it's like no lean
14:46 in like love your mission vision values love who you are like great marketing attracts your ideal
14:53 people and repels everybody else like if you're not a dudes dust on the boots kind of person then
15:00 good yeah be free and go love a different organization you know and also go for it i also
15:08 want to like take a minute ... y'all this is it's it's not rocket science right you know every so
15:16 many organizations are thinking like oh i need the new sparkle shiny thing you're gonna see that the
15:21 the the strategies that we employed were pretty similar across the different organizations and so
15:27 we really look at like what are the basics like nail the basics get the basics finished ...
15:34 and don't feel like you need to do like all these weird wonky newfangled things like just you know
15:40 do the good work and put out the good work and the dividends are going to come back to you yeah and one of the things that ... channel islands restoration had in their back pocket that our
15:48 other clients didn't ... is that they actually had a matching donor that was willing to donate
15:54 you know match up to ten thousand dollars and so we were able to do an entire email campaign and
15:59 set of social media posts one week for that ... which was really nice and so that's one
16:05 thing that like we were that we we had tried to apply across the board but we just couldn't find a donor and i think that our lead time to find those donors needed to be a little bit longer
16:14 so i would say that was certainly an area for improvement is fine find a matching donor but take the lead time to find that matching donor ... but yeah channel islands had one and so they had
16:24 a ten thousand dollar you know matching gift you know announcement as part of their campaign ... and
16:30 i thought that that was really wonderful and we saw you know a really good result from it and they ended up raising ... 25 000 more than they had the year before so that was a pretty solid improvement
16:40 for them and this is an organization that is like just starting to come into their own when it comes like they're a 20 year old organization now ... but they're just starting to come into their own like
16:49 as it pertains to like formalizing processes like having like setting some of these goals and so it
16:54 was really good to see that like even though we came into ... like into the game pretty late with them we were still able to execute something ... that that still garnered pretty solid ... return on
17:05 investment even after ... you know because don't forget the foothills forever campaign was this
17:11 was this past year and so that was an 18.6 million dollar capital campaign that they were technically
17:16 competing against because they didn't keep that eighteen point six dollars that was used for the land purchase ... and so the fact that they were able to even eke out like prof
17:25 like ... additional above like what they had done last year i thought was really awesome anything you think we should have done differently or we'll suggest to do differently next time
17:35 i'm looking forward to seeing what we can do with more lead time on this you know on this project ...
17:41 we'll talk about this on our next client but we started that project in august for their end of
17:46 year campaign ... and i think that you know channel islands restoration is such like they have such
17:52 beautiful imagery like they take care of some of the most beautiful areas on the central coast
17:57 um and so to me like being having a little more time to like really take advantage of that imagery i think would be really incredible
18:06 yeah love it all right ready we got like ... eight minutes left here we go final client
18:16 uh Girls Inc. talk to me about what we did and what it looked like and all those things okay so
Girls Inc.
18:24 here we go pulling her up so this was again another really like multi-faceted campaign
18:31 and so what we started with was this concept called the wish book the wish book was going
18:36 to be our cornerstone print piece for the organization ... it wasn't a card it was literally
18:43 like something that you would open up like and we did this last year too and remember the sears
18:49 catalogs we all used to get as kids and you would like sit on the floor with your serious catalog and you'd like flip through the pages and like circle the things that you wanted for christmas
18:57 and then like basically like hand the book back to your mom or like you know marketing because we wanted to do something similar for Girls Inc. so we asked their staff and their ... and their
19:09 girls to come up with a list of wishes that they would want granted of items you know that would
19:15 really help them fulfill their mission and so they came back with a list of i think almost 20 items
19:22 um that we developed into a wishbook so once we had the items we then hired a photographer
19:29 to essentially go through each item and photograph each item as you would a catalog so for instance
19:35 if you look to the right side of the presentation here ... and we have emergency operations equipment
19:42 that was clearly a staff driven like request but we but we set up each shot to accommodate
19:48 that so it wasn't just a photographer walking around getting a bunch of like b-roll shots that looked good it was very specifically set up to tell the micro story of that item
20:00 um and with Girls Inc. we've been working really digging into their strong smart bold theme for
20:06 the entire year ... so we've been working with them we worked with them all 2021 and so we've
20:12 been really driving home strong smart gold and a completely new look so their look is much more
20:18 like i think we can use it bold whimsy is kind of like the how we've been kind of describing it but
20:24 it's no longer just like blocks of red and black and gray even though those are their colors like
20:31 we're using purples and oranges like all these complementary colors to start talking to elevate
20:36 you know their brand a little bit to you know freshen their brand a little bit and to honestly make it feel a little bit younger because it was very much serving an older audience and we wanted
20:46 a younger audience to feel like that this was something that they could be included in as well and so once the wishbook was developed and printed we actually did a cover letter on top
20:57 of the on top of the wishbook hand sign i'm still a big fan of hand signatures ... whenever possible
21:03 i feel very old by saying that but that's okay ... and so once we got that going we basically kind
21:10 of followed the same script that we followed with cadc we had our three micro cam three micro themes
21:17 strong smart bold we then put items from the wishbook into each of those categories and again
21:23 we did a six week execution ... of the strong smart gold campaign we had a little bit of a hiccup in
21:30 that the wishbook dropped earlier ... dropped to mailboxes earlier than we were expecting
21:35 um so we actually had to shift our schedule a little bit but it turned it ended up being just fine ... so you know there's some things that you can control there's some things you
21:44 cannot control and when the printer decides to send your piece out a little bit early that's what happens ... because we were hoping for it to drop i think the first week of december and
21:56 it drops the week before or something ... what a great plug for like really thorough planning
22:04 and developing all of the collateral in advance of starting the campaign because what that meant is
22:12 yeah there was an unexpected hiccup that moved the timeline forward but if you were planning on
22:18 doing all that work last minute we couldn't have accommodated that unexpected like timeline shift
22:24 yeah and i actually think it may have showed up like right before thanksgiving yeah that was it so the only issue with that was that we actually didn't have the landing page completely done
22:33 um which of course causes panic ... so i would say that like have your landing page done before
22:38 before you send your files to the mail house that was that was a good learning opportunity ... yeah so for each two week camp like micro campaign we sent an email we sent we had a
22:48 whole host of social media posts ... they all Girls Inc. also had an amazon wishlist that we executed
22:55 on cyber monday and then they also used thankful ... as part of their campaign as well
23:02 and they're also using thank you as part of their stewardship campaign ... this past month too so
23:07 we're doing personalized ... thank you videos for their donors that had given during the campaign
Prep Work
23:15 so we this is the perfect segue ... talk to me about the prep work that went
23:22 into these campaigns that contributed to the success and give us sort of a to-do list over
23:27 the next nine months to really set us up for success at the end of this year
Campaign Themes
23:33 absolutely so with all of these campaigns like with the exception of you know channel
23:38 items because they came on later in the year but community action and Girls Inc. we have been really
23:44 working with a lot of the same visual look feel throughout the entire year as well as the same
23:51 type of wording for the entire year so when it came to community action like we were constantly
23:58 talking about pulling you know ... you know pulling people out of poverty helping people stay at home
24:04 so that way when the end of year campaign came around these themes have already been
24:09 ingrained into the audience and we communicated frequently throughout the year so every every
24:16 client has at least a monthly newsletter so that people are receiving information monthly from the organization and not just getting you know contacted at the end of the year when
24:26 when they want money that to me is not that that is not a relationship that is not you know that that is not fundraising ... so we basically with Girls Inc. particularly we had completely rebranded
24:36 like or like refreshed their brand and so we use that refresh palette like style like language
24:42 in every aspect of their communication and every aspect of like their events you know their other
24:48 you know solicitations etc so again like when it comes to the end of the year like it feels like
24:53 the donor or has seen it before and it's not something completely out of the blue and i think that like people often believe that they need to have this completely different look feel
25:03 style for their their end of your campaign it's actually just like putting something that you've
25:09 been doing for the entire year like on like huge like display and really going into that super
25:16 hard instead of just like sprinkling it everywhere then you're just like blowing it out at that point so find a theme that you want to do for this year like that like really reflects your nonprofit
25:26 organizations like mission stick like incorporate that theme throughout the year and then just drive
25:32 it home super hard at the end of the year because it's most of the work's taken care of for you
25:39 i also want to put a plug ... for like really nice photos please please don't use stock photos
25:46 an investment in a photographer to really get vibrant images of your mission vision values
25:53 the ROI is incredible and the investment is actually not that huge so please hire
26:01 a professional photographer to get real quality images of y'all executing your missions ... we can refer some people if you need a recommendation don't rely
26:12 on some random board member with a phone like just that's something like such an easy investment
26:20 to make a couple times throughout the year to give you like really beautiful imagery of your
26:25 mission in action and it's really funny because even though we were talking about the need like
26:31 that you don't need to have super polished video but you're right like super good imagery does make
26:36 a really big difference because imagery does tell that story in a way that a video cannot convey 25.
26:45 okay so with that we're going to stop talking we're going to open it up so if you have questions go ahead and drop them into the chat or if you want to come off of you and chat with us
26:54 as well like we're here ... i also know that we're both wearing cream sweaters today so
27:00 well and i would love you know y'all here are fundraisers and nonprofit professionals
27:07 what successes did you guys have with your end of year what what challenges did you face what
27:12 what questions do you have that we can help answer or even answer as a community about what the right next steps are for this year so i don't know come off mute raise your hand
27:22 uh put it in the chat ... and this is one of the few times we're doing a very like informational
27:28 like teaching style building forward like we tend to tackle topics like at a broad level ... but we just know that end of year campaigns are so important to like non-profit success that we
27:37 thought that we would actually change changing it up for y'all today so so yeah what what happened
27:43 to you how was your december well first of all this was really helpful i'm Megan Turley i work at UCSB at the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics and my big win this year was convincing
Megan Turley
27:53 our director to actually have a suggested gift amount in the letter itself and so we basically
28:01 did something similar to Girls Inc. a little bit different where we ... laid out ... like how much
28:09 a hundred cups of coffee would cost for physicists because at kitp we all know that physicists run
28:15 off of coffee and so how much would that cost and you can put that you know two hundred dollars right or five hundred dollars is for a conference registration fee for one of our early career
28:24 scientists or a thousand and we started at the the lowest suggestion was their their most recent
28:30 gift and then everything else was higher than that and and a vast majority of them went up 50 to 100
28:37 which is you know not huge in the grand scheme of things but if that happens every year that's going to be a huge return on investment so it was really exciting to
28:45 actually like have a more polished campaign and have something to show for it as opposed to
28:50 bringing in the same amount of money and saying okay well i don't really know what what that did yeah no Girls Inc. used to do just like did you guys used to do just like the form letters ...
29:01 yeah yeah it was basically just a reminder saying hey ronnie your annual membership in this program
29:07 and here here are the options and you just check a box and everyone always just check the lowest box
29:12 well and what i love is like how smart your campaign was and so like it really illustrates
29:19 like you must have your database nailed right because you even know what someone's
29:24 like average gift is and you're able to like personalize what that ask is which is so smart
29:30 and the other thing that i love is that it's like kind of fun like physicists run on coffee
29:35 so here's how you keep them running like buy more coffee like that's so fun i love that thank you
29:43 boring science can be fun science is fun we're trying we're trying to get that message out there
29:50 well good job keep it up hey Megan
29:56 all right who else has a success story to share
Matching Gifts
30:05 i don't have a success story to share but i do have a question i would love to ask
30:10 um and that is do you guys have a
30:15 preference for whether or not a match would be best used in the spring or the end of year
30:21 campaign super funny question because ... channel islands does both so they do they do a campaign in
30:30 spring that is called match matching may so they literally like line up one or two donors like
30:35 every single year i think it's the same one or two donors like that they've been using for a couple years now and yeah they do matching mate and they do a matching gift for their end of your campaign
30:43 and so ... matching gifts are really good under just those kind of like incentive benchmark gifts
30:49 tend to be really good regardless i like i like a spring opportunity just because you might be able to get a an additional gift out of somebody that they would not have given
30:59 you know otherwise ... people will attend if they are repeat if you're good at if you're good at
31:04 stewarding them they will repeat year after year but then you can get that second gift in the spring either that you may not have been able to get before so if i had to pick one i'd go spring
31:14 okay i like that too because i think there would be less noise during the spring you know like
31:21 everyone does an end of your campaign but there would be less ... less chatter during the
31:28 spring for sure and i want to underscore too what Kristiana said about stewardship please please
31:36 don't just ask people for money please ... tell them what you're doing with their money say thank
31:42 you invite them into your mission vision values like it just feels so icky with when the only time
31:48 you connect with your people is with your handout like that's that's not successful fundraising ...
31:56 and a great indicator of if you're doing good stewardship is if people drop off or if they continue to give like if you're not doing great stewardship you're just going to see those donors
32:05 give once and drop off we all know donor attrition numbers and we all know you know what the second
32:11 gift numbers are and they're terrible and it's because of stewardship but if you have good if you get that immediate thank you not just like the form letter but the phone call from the board ...
32:21 from a board member you know that immediate kind of card or something that's a little more personal and then if you get something out within a few weeks after that and then you get something out
32:29 that's like a month or two after that just like get at least four touch points in before the
32:34 middle of the year and make sure one of them is inviting them to participate because like really
Thank Yous
32:41 that's why a lot of us are give is because we care about the mission vision values and we want to get
32:46 involved in that even if they don't show up they're going to feel good that you ask well and plug for thank you like those videos are have such a great ROI they're so impactful they
32:59 feel really meaningful they feel new and fresh they feel personalized if you take that extra
33:05 piece of time but what we've heard too is they're actually really easy to do so when you said like
33:12 who was it ken recorded 20 in individual videos i'm like oh my god that sounds terrible it sounds
33:19 like so much work but what's really cool about this software is that it makes it really easy to record and to deliver those pieces so like huge plug for them ... we've had a lot of success
33:30 with their clients can i just get a quick question about it for bringing that one on yeah ... so thank
33:38 you does does that can you like click the play button and have it play in the email that it's
33:44 sent in or does it have to take you to another page because that is my dream of like not having
33:50 to have donors like navigate to any additional pages email's not there yet yeah okay but it's
33:56 just thinking about it okay but the way that it shows up in your inbox like do you like have you
34:02 seen those evite invitations like when you get the invid like the evite and so it's an envelope and then you click on the envelope it's the exact concept so you click on the envelope like here's
34:11 your personal message click on the envelope it takes you into that secondary screen yes it's another screen but that's where the video then pops up with an ask below it and and thank
34:22 view now has ... an integration where you can drop your ... your ... giving page right below the video
34:31 oh cool beautiful and, I... I think i saw that Nico is here so he might be able to put some of his stats
34:40 into the chat but we're getting like crazy open rates and crazy click rates that are it's absurd
34:47 completely absurd and so maybe maybe we should do a quick tutorial or something on on
34:55 thank you ... we think they're awesome thank you was recently bought by ever true at the end of
35:00 last year so ever true donor systems it's going to be immediately integrated into that it's also get getting integrated into donor perfect so if anybody runs a donor perfect platform you're going
35:10 to be able to do think view videos out of your dp software soon so you can do it as a standalone
35:16 software but it's having more and more ... platform integrations ... i know it's not going to integrate into ucsb's but we all know that ... but yeah the fact that it's like more and more like easy to use
35:26 without needing to be its own software you can do it straight from the database i think is beautiful
Other Success Stories
35:35 other success stories share with us what you did and and what your results were and
35:47 oh here Nico put in the chat the cir open rate was 73 percent are you kidding me
35:53 that's insane ... Girls Inc. was 53 and CAVC was 49 that's insane y'all
36:02 and i see, I... I don't know if i would put cir's donor base as like possibly being
36:08 our old our oldest skewed too yeah that's really interesting that's really interesting i love that
36:14 i love it too and i see cecily just popped on i know that she's put some of her clients into
36:20 thankful as well i think doing like sponsorship stewardship so don't forget that like your
36:26 corporate sponsors are donors and they also need to be stewarded and so i think ... she had
36:33 some really big ... sponsor program successes over the last couple years and so then pushing her ...
36:41 clients her board members to send those thank you thank yous to the corporate sponsors which again
36:49 even during a pandemic we saw those sponsor programs grow which is wild for an event that we
36:55 had event sponsorship programs grow it's because we did really good stewardship of those corporate
37:01 sponsors and i think too always hi everyone i'm Cecilia i think too what was so successful
37:08 about it was ... just the fact that like our board really was able to highlight stats from our
37:15 conference of like here's how many scholarships we're able to provide like thanks to your
37:21 um donation and sponsorship this year and it was a lot more like of a mission focused thank you and
37:27 yeah we had great open rates Nico definitely helped me with that project huge shout out to Niccco ... and yeah i actually just hopped off the call with the board and we're starting to ask
37:36 all those organizations ... to approach them for sponsors again this year so well and yeah even
37:43 a corporate sponsorship program for an event right you can still make it mission vision values focused here's the impact of your money it wasn't just like to rent this room
37:53 it was to bring these vulnerable populations into this educational setting love it love it seriously
38:05 okay anyone else want to hop in share your successes ask your questions
38:13 all right my friend i think we've done it nailed it first one of 2022
38:20 flawless go us go us we will be coming to your zoom screen the first wednesday of every month
38:29 um you will get a couple of invites from us let us know what topics you want us to cover we're here
38:36 to be sassy about whatever you want to hear about so we're nearly sassy today no not quite we could
38:42 do better next time on it okay all right friends happy ... 2022. it was good to see all of you
38:53 bye